Turing's Antalyakart is a weird-ass shitpost comic that revolves around Alan Turing trying to find a sense of normalcy in the 21st century in his temporary home in Antalya, Turkey. Except it looks like he won't be able to find any so far, with bigots trying to hunt him down, his creations being rotten by capitalism, insane world events and genocides going on, and governments and institutions wanting to use him (or straight-up) using him as a puppet for pinkwashing.

"Welcome to Turing's Antalyakart! Here are some things you should know: Alan Turing wasn't a Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock-type guy, Antalya isn't just beaches and hotels, companies and billionaires usually don't have your best interest in mind, there are genocides going on, and fascism has been rising in the West."

Coming soon on February 20, 2025!